About Hill East Civic Association


Hill East Civic Association was formed in 2022 by neighbors seeking to build a sense of cohesion and increase civic participation of residents living in the Hill East neighborhood in Washington, D.C.

Values Statement:

The Hill East neighborhood is a diverse community undergoing shifts in its demographic and physical landscape.  The current dynamic environment demands that all constituent perspectives be preserved, heard, and respected. There is indeed great value and strength found in a diverse community that works democratically to represent itself with a unified voice on matters of particular civic importance. 

Mission Statement:

The Hill East Civic Association is a non-political 501c3 organization dedicated to diverse and representative engagement on matters critical to the social, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the Hill East community. 

Mission Goals and Objectives: 

The Hill East Civic Association seeks to fulfill its stated Mission through engagement in the following activities:

  • Speak with a clear and unified voice on the impact and/or contribution of local and federal economic development decisions to the general welfare of the Hill East community.

  • Develop and promote programming to foster active community engagement in arts and entertainment.

  • Advocate for public education resources that serve the community’s resident children and families.

  • Develop strategies and resources to serve the needs of Hill East resident seniors.

Art by Zachary Ammerman of Wild Places Prints